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Blue Thunder Solvent & Lube Gallon

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Product Description

This is the best combination of patch lube and blackpowder solvent on the market. Use it for a patch lube and you can fire untold shots without cleaning. Use it as a Blackpowder Solvent and it cleans the bore sparkling bright. All ingredients are water soluble so it's ideal for use with all natural bullet lubes. It is the perfect bore solvent for use with Wonder Lube 1000 or Lube 103. There are no caustic ingredients or ammonia in Blue Thunder to harm the finish on the firearm's stock or barrel.  Made in the USA by October Country, a manufacturer of muzzleloading supplies.

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Product Reviews

  1. I like it 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 4th Nov 2021

    I bought (a gallon of) this years ago and it lasted for years. So now I had to buy some more because 1. I love it and 2. I was finally running out. I use it in the range as a swab and when I get home as a cleaner. It does develop a "sludge" at the top of the bottle which I am assuming is a reaction with air. It does not hurt anything and can be easily removed.

  2. All around good stuff 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 4th Jun 2019

    I really like this as a bore cleaner and a patch lube. It works better than anything else I've found and doesn't damage the finish on the gun like some solvents do. Accidently let it freeze and it turned white, but still works just as good. Just bought the gallon - shipping nearly killed me, but it's worth it.